Sunday, November 11, 2012

Son of a Beach

Missing the Beach

Missing the Beach by elbonner featuring essie nailpolish

No matter how excited I tell myself I am for winter, I always spend one lazy Sunday afternoon watching surf videos on YouTube and reminding myself how wrong I was.  I am a summer time person; I love the ocean, sand, and life without a jacket. Today I'm just feeling a little homesick for summer so I put together a bunch of things that remind me of it and make me happy. At the moment they're sort of making me depressed, but I'll take what I can get. Now that I'm out of school,summer doesn't equate to absolute freedom where I can spend every day at the beach and every night eating Mexican food with my fellow sun burnt friends. It's a bittersweet realization, but now that I am out of school I can take trips to warm places throughout the winter to get rid of that seasonal depression disorder. The clocks have fallen back, the night begins much earlier, and everyone wants pumpkin spiced fucking everything. No thanks, I'll be scrubbing off all my winter dead skin, slathering on my favorite sunless tanner, and pretending it's still summer for just one night.

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